Am I out this month? ☹️


So last month I suffered a chemical pregnancy. During my TWW I had many symptoms that led me to believe I was pregnant. Acid reflux after dinner, sore breasts and nipples, exhaustion during the afternoon, emotional, bloating and what I believe was implantation bleeding. Found out I was pregnant 3 days before AF.

Fast forward to now, I’m currently 6DPO and feel like I have no symptoms at all! I’m mostly tired around 4 pm and nap for an hour or two, I do have bloating, my boobs are kinda sore but not like last month, and last night I had AF like dull cramps, and only had acid reflux maybe twice.

I know it’s still early, but I feel like last month my symptoms were so prominent and now I have nothing. Anyone thoughts? Thinking about testing this Sunday at 9DPO...

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