Cheating . Please read!!

I really need some advice right now. I have been dating this guy for about two months and we were talking for two months before that. So all together we have been together four months. We live 3 hours away from each other. I just found out last night that he has another girlfriend and I don’t know if I should give him another chance. I love him and care for him so much. But he lied to me for months and he would go like 7 hours without texting me and he assured me he was with his friend riding four wheelers so he leaves his phone at his friends house, but he was lying he was with the other girl. He had told me they are not together anymore and his friend even texted me and said they aren’t. I just don’t know if I should give him another chance. He keeps apologizing and saying he loves me but I just don’t have any trust in him anymore. I still love him though . If somebody could please give me some advice I would really appreciate it!!