If you had implantation cramping, how long did it last? Please comment what it felt like


I’m 7dpo and started having some very sharp cramps yesterday afternoon. They continued overnight, bad enough that I used a heating pad to sleep. This morning, still going. If it’s implantation, isn’t that a bit excessive?

Cervix is in a different position than normal too. Normally it’s high soft and closed at this point, but it’s been medium, firm, and long. ( I know this means little in the way of pregnancy, just trying to sort if something else is going on)

CM is VERY heavy, creamy, sometimes a bit snotty feeling, but smells normal. Yesterday it had a brownish tint to it.

Still a chance that this could be implantation or should I worry something else is going on?

SO and I haven’t had sex since Saturday so it shouldn’t be any injuries from that.

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