Sharing my traumatic birth story ❤️


So I’m a little late on sharing my birth story. I was due with my daughter on October 29th and was scheduled for an induction on that day.

On Friday October 26th I started feeling sick. Sick as in I have the flu sick. I couldn’t keep anything down , I was running a fever and I had the worst headache I’ve ever experienced. That night I decided to take a bath and try to relax. Nothing I did worked. I went all night not sleeping battling regular pregnancy pains and also having the flu.

Forward to Saturday October 27th. I hadn’t felt my daughter move since the night before. I was having pains in my stomach which I assumed was from puking so much. I decided to take a shower and eat something and if I still didn’t feel her move I would head to the hospital. So after about an hour I decided to go cause at this point I was scared. We got to L&D around 1030 am. My OB was the one on call so I was relieved that she was there to check in my baby. They hooked me up and could see I was having contractions but they weren’t strong and weren’t consistent. My OB came in and checked my cervix and I was 2cm and 70% effaced and my membranes were bullying. She told me to go home and get fluids in me and to relax and she would see me on Monday for my induction. So I head home and decide to eat something and just relax. At around 4 pm I had terrible back cramping so I started timing them and realized I was in fact having back labour. So I was in excruciating pain as I have back issues so the pain from that and the contractions was overwhelming. Around 730 I went to get a bottle of water and boom my water breaks. And I’m like ok it’s go time. Scared and anxious I get

My mom and my sisters and we head to the hospital.

When I got there I had the rudest nurse check me in “ are you sure your water broke” like yes lady it’s pouring out of me. My OB was still there so she came in and checked me out and told the nurse to get the anesthesiologist in so I could get my epidural cause I was a 7. So we do all that and time is going by and I still haven’t dilated any further. They started pitocin and hoped that it would help. So nothing was happening. Except I could see my curse growing concerned. She was watching my daughters heart rate. Finally she said I’m going to grab the doctor. She came in and explained to me that my contractions are regulating and when they are strong they are causing her heart rate to drop. As a FTM I’m terrified at this point. My doctor assured me all was good. So the nurse decided to check me and realized I was fully dilated on the right side but a 9 on the left.

Then all hell broke loose. The machine started going off and my heart rate sky rocketed as my daughters was dropping to the low 40s. There were nurse running everywhere and having inappropriate conversations in front of me. They let me start pushing be use I needed to get her out. I started pushing at 6:10 am and felt like I was getting no where. THEN AT 6:28 The nurse then shouted “ we need to get her in for a section of this baby is going to die” my heart started beating harder and harder and I couldn’t breath. All I kept thinking was my baby is going to die. My OB told her to shut up and leave. She came to the side of the bed and said “

I know you’re scared but you can do this. I need some big pushes so you can see your beautiful baby can you do that for me, I’m going to let you push for 10 more minutes and then I’m going to have to do a c-section “ in that moment I knew what I had to do. 9 minutes later my beautiful daughter Rémi Nicole was born. She was blue but alive. Her cord was wrapped around her neck 2 times and every time I was contracting it was tightening which was making her heart rate drop. I have never been more scared in my life.

I was so close to losing her and I’m so happy my OB kicked that nurse out so I could focus and get the job done. I had a ton of tearing but it didn’t matter because she was alive.

Thank you for reading if you made it this far ❤️❤️

Rémi Nicole

October 28th, 2018

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Posted at
I don’t understand why everyone is upset about what the nurse said. I want you to think about it from the nurse’s perspective. She has a patient whose heart rate is going too high. At the same time every time the patient has contractions, the babies heart rate is dropping very low. How long would you sit silent if you’re watching this happen? If you read the post, the nurse watched this for 18 minutes and then the doctor let this continue for 10 more minutes. That was a huge risk the doctor took and thank god that everything turned out okay. It is also stated that the cord was wrapped around the neck twice and that her contractions were cutting off oxygen. If the nurse hadn’t stated anything, how long do you think the doctor would’ve let her continue pushing under those circumstances?


Christiane • Jan 29, 2019
That’s interesting because an emergency c section takes between 15 to 20 minutes. The doctor chose to let you push under your circumstances for 28 minutes. As I said before, I’m glad everything turned out okay; however, it is still my opinion that the doctor took a risk. Hope you and the baby are doing great now.


Kelly • Jan 29, 2019
My doctor knew my daughter didn’t have time for a c-section. She explained it all in great detail after. My doctor and my actual nurse discussed this prior to the nurse coming in my room. The fact that she screamed it out was extremely unprofessional in my opinion and I’m very happy with the way my OB handled the situation.


Tara • Jan 28, 2019
I had a similar situation, the doctor and nurses can see the monitor they know what’s going on. My boyfriend was watching our little ones heart rate drop and was freaking out, eventually the doctor gave him a look, and the nurse told him they know. They didn’t want to freak me out because it would be harder to keep going if I was panicking. Staying calm and relaxed as is possible is pretty key. Glad everything worked out tho!


Posted at
Uuuggghh I totally feel you... My water broke 14 days before my due date at home. When I went to the hospital they didn’t believe me so they did 2 tests on my fluid. They were like “oh, the tests are negative for amniotic fluid”. I was like uuuhh I’m almost 25 years old, I know what pee looks like. 🙄 So they decided hey, let’s do an ultrasound to see if you still have enough fluid. Yep, so they tried to make me GO HOME. I was like no way, I broke my water.. Then they made me walk around with a pad for a few hours and test again. Sure enough it was positive. I’ll never go back again. They think cause it’s your first pregnancy you mistake pee for fluid. Like I’m not an idiot I’ve been peeing my entire life. Okay rant over haha You’re baby is so beautiful 😍💝💝💝


Tessa • Jan 25, 2019
Yeah you can go back if you lose more. My fluid had white gunk in it


Elizabeth • Jan 25, 2019
I thought my water broke last night. I soaked through two pads but the test was negative. So they sent me home. I feel like they were full of shit.


Tessa • Jan 25, 2019
*back there again


Posted at
She’s beautiful!


Motswalo • Jan 27, 2019
That baby is so cute


Kelly • Jan 24, 2019
Thank you love 💕


Posted at
So happy your Ob kicked out that nurse! She’s so precious! GOD BLESS her


Posted at
Oh my gosh your amazing glad it all turned out well for you and your little one! Congratulations ❤️


naomi • Jan 24, 2019
Aww i bet she was ❤️


Kelly • Jan 24, 2019
Thank you so much , she was worth it all ❤️


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Posted at
Can’t believe that nurse, what a horrible experience. I’m sooo glad it all turned out okay! My story was similar with my daughter. Of course scared for it to happen again but nothing we can do... I’m due in March. Your baby is gorgeous!


Posted at
Wow! This is truly a scary birth story. First of all? I understand your nurses concerns but she shouldn’t have said that out loud, she should have pulled your OB aside to express her concerns. By saying that out loud, she caused unnecessary stress for you that could hav delayed your labor further. I’m glad you had such a great OB that was able to remedy the situation and calm you down enough to allow you to have your vaginal birth. It’s amazing what our bodies can do! A part of your story sounds similar to the birth of my son. I had been pushing for an hour and a half and at one point my doctor said “okay, I’m going to let you push one or two more times and see how you do. We could always take the vacuum to help pull him out.” One of the things I did NOT want for my birth was the use of any tools like the vacuum (I forgot the name of the tong like things lol) to help get my son out, of course as long as it wasn’t absolutely necessary. As soon as he said that I pushed so hard with everything I had and he came right out that very next push! Haha. He was like “oh wow... I might have to say that more often to motivate the mothers! Haha”. Anyways, your baby is absolutely gorgeous and I am so happy that everything worked out for you in the end! Congrats momma!! ♥️♥️♥️ here my little boy, can’t believe he’s going to be one next week! Time really flies by!! Enjoy every single second!(Four months here 👇🏻)(11 months here 👇🏻)Congrats again momma!! ♥️♥️♥️


La • Jan 30, 2019
Thank youu ! And yes that’s gotta be so scary! I’m so happy that everything turned out okay! Childbirth is a crazy thing! ♥️


Kelly • Jan 29, 2019
Omg he’s so sweet! ❤️ thank you! She actually wasn’t my main nurse she was the Nurs that brought me into the birthing suite. But when my daughters heart was dropping so many nurses cans running in. My actual nurse and OB were amazing. My OB later explained that she knew that if we went in for a c-section that we could if lost my daughter. I’m so grateful for her and her knowing that I could do it !! ❤️


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An absolutely miracle, congrats mama!!


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I’m sorry you had that kind of experience. I’m so happy you and baby are good! She’s a little doll