Cycle Day 12-13 light brown spotting?Ovulation Spotting?


So I’ve been TTC for about 4 months and I’m going on 5 here soon. I’ve been off birth control IUD Mirena since June of last year. My cycle returned to normal immediately.... 😑as if it never left. The previous cycles I noticed I would never get EWCM (None) and I am very familiar with checking my cervix/CM. Anyways this cycle has been different.... I’ve had tons of EWCM for 2-3days and as of cycle Day 12 I noticed a small amount of bright red blood mixed with EWCM and now what is light brown CM and more of a creamy wet texture (enough for maybe a thin panty liner). I have used OPKs before and before wasn’t “supposedly” ovulating until cycle days 14-16. I don’t use them anymore because i feel less stress and pressured without them. I’ve never tried temping before but again I don’t want to add to much pressure. if anyone could share their experiences with ovulation spotting or ttc after the mirena or anything I mentioned really. Please tell me what your take is on my short ttc journey thus far! 🙏🏼 sending everyone baby dust!