I feel like such a bitch but...

I’ve been with my husband for 9 1/2 years (we got together at age 16/17). We’ve waiting until now to get pregnant as we wanted to have a house, be married and have stable jobs before bringing a child into the world. We couldn’t have been happier to find out we were pregnant in November and all of our families have been so happy to be welcoming their first grandchild.

But, just today, I found out my brother in law got his gf pregnant - completely unplanned. They’ve been seeing each other for around 6 months. They don’t live together and BIL is about to change careers from military to the police force. It’s not a quick process so he might be in between jobs for a few months.

I feel like such a bitch for even saying this but I’m annoyed that their pregnancy has come so soon after ours. I feel like when the baby is born, the excitement will wear off us and our child as everyone will be thinking about the next birth. MIL has been so excited and has bought us a lot already, but I’m not sure this financial support will continue as much now as she’s needing to but for two babies within 2 months of each other. Urgh! #pregnanyhormes #aibu?