The struggle of PCOS!


This TTC journey is so hard. I have recently been diagnosed with PCOS/ put on metformin and my body is going through soooo much. But I’m a edition to that I also suffer from migraines 🙄. My husband is finally on the baby train and I just can not get pregnant. Eating right and exercising isn’t doing too much and although think I’m doing those things I still gained 10lbs in the last 4-5 months. Everyone around us is having babies either their first, or the second. His best friend just gave him news that he and his girlfriend are expecting. Although I’m happy I’m not because yet again it isn’t me. I feel so selfish for even having these feelings. But this is something I just can’t help and I can’t talk to my husband about it because he doesn’t understand. I feel like so much less of a woman because I can not conceive. And if I do my peanut doesn’t stick. But being as though we have been on this journey for over a year and its just not happening I’m ready to just give up, go on birth control and just stick to the one I have. If any of you have PCOS and did something to conceive...please advise!?