Due in 2 days and I don't see that happening. Getting induced 3 days after due date.


So to start off I want to just say hello everyone!!!! So I went to my Doctors appointment on tuesday and found out that I haven't progressed from 1 cm dilated and 70% effaced. His original due date is saturday but I haven't had any pain and I lost my mucus plug a week ago!!! I am so frustrated about this because being my first baby I'd love to experience my body going into labor naturally. People keep telling me I don't have to be induced if I don't want to but he isn't moving as much as I think he should bc he is running out of room in there!!! Haha. I have stopped gaining weight and have started losing weight. If my body isn't doing anything on it's own to get him out I am going to have to go with the induction. I'm so nervous! Anyone that has been induced I'd love to know your birth story or any advice!