Do you ever......

A little rant here....

Sorry for the long post!

My S.O is a little bit controlling. But I don’t really care about the controlling part, it just the other stuff I have problems with. He likes to remind me that I’m not contributing due to being a SAHM. He is the one that told me to quit my job back in October(I wasn’t working enough to pay for gas and child care). So we decided together that I could be a SAHM. Well, since then he reminds me everyday about how I’m not contributing. He makes snide comments about how he don’t get to stay home and sit on his ass all day like me. We have a 2 year old. He constantly tells me that he should be potty trained already.

Let me put it this way, I stay at home, except for doctors appointments and going grocery shopping. I clean the house, I cook and I take care of a 2 year old, and on top of that I’m pregnant. He complains about his job all the time, and if his boss pisses him off, he takes it out on me by saying snide comments about what I’m doing wrong. He says the house isn’t clean enough and that I’m lazy. He says with everything I do, it should only take 1-2 hours out of my day. My house isn’t spotless, I have a 2 year old who is into everything.

Am I just being over sensitive? I love the man to death, but sometimes I just want to tell him to go suck a dick or something because he is acting like a bitch.

He makes snide comments in front of my family and his and it makes me so mad that I just want to go home because it feels like he is just trying to make me look bad in front of others. Anytime I have a complaint about hurting or being tired, he acts like it’s a competition to see who feels worse. I told him my breasts were sore and he told me it is too early in the pregnancy to have that symptom. I’m 6 weeks and 3 days..... Like seriously?

What would y’all do??