I'm getting really annoyed with online shopping.

Within the past month, I have received 2 damaged items (different items from different sellers). I contact them to see about a replacement and apparently no one will send replacements. Not even if you send proof of the damage or send the damaged one back.

The first one was Wal-Mart. I bought it on sale and it arrived damaged. The store wouldn't take it because they don't sell it on stores. The best online would do was give me 10% off another one. They wouldn't even take the damaged one back and give me a refund. So I bought one on sale, it was damaged, I have to keep the damaged one, and buy a second one for more than I payed for the first one. Huh? This makes no sense.

The second one was something I ordered from a company through Amazon. It was a set of items and one was damaged. I had been meaning to contact them, but hadn't gotten around to it. A few days after it was delivered, the company emailed me to make sure I was satisfied with my purchase. I filled them in on the damaged item. They offered me $10 credit to purchase another one. The damaged item alone cost $20, the whole set was around $60. Again, they won't give me a refund or cover the whole price for a new one.

Does anyone else have so many issues with online shopping?