Confusing !!!!

This is very confusing

Women ovulate 10 -16 days before your next period?

So how do you know when you have your next period? What if your next period is late? Or you’re irregular?

I have my period on the 1st with a 26-28 day cycle so I have to predict my next period is on the 26-28th and count backwards 10- 16 days . So I could possibly start ovulating on the 14,15,16th with a 24 hour window of a released egg and which the highest day of fertility is 3-5 days on a 7 day ovulation cycle, into my ovulation which could possible be the 21st .. 7days before my “possible” period on the 28th.

Which is completely not true for me because I can tell with my discharge when I ovulate

It’s easier to understand when said “you ovulate 3-5 days after your period”

As I know my period is done and now can start the counting the days after my period..

*the dates are based off my cycle.