My SO and I are TTC. I stopped birth control almost two months ago. We had sex according to the <a href="">Glow App</a> 3 days prior to my Ovulation, then again the following day, and then again the day before which was higher chance than my ovulation day (the 13th) and it was a 33% chance. Didnt do it on actual ovulation day as things came up and we both passed out (it was only 22% chance) this week, I've felt nauseous, bloating, cramping, some sore breasts but not really, eating a TON of things I normally do not like. Never liked Mexican food or vegetables. However the last two weeks I've been eating it like crazy. Always been a picky eater, won't eat any tomatoes, onions, artichokes, peppers of any kind, and I eat it all now! Saturday someone I ate an entire medium pizza to myself. Never done that. I also had a slice from my best friends large pizza that she didnt eat and it was Hawaiian style which my entire life I have only ever ate pepperoni. Maybe I'm just growing and my tastes are changing? I have back pains which I don't normally get either. Not sure if that's a symptom or not. This would be our first. Neither of us have ever TTC. I'm 24 he is 25. I have a very regular period and am due on Monday to start again. Every test I've taken this far has been negative. What do you ladies think? Sometimes I feel like I'm just looking for symptoms to hope I am pregnant but the tests say otherwise. Very nervous here. Lol. Thanks!