Spotting, late period and bfns oh my 🤦🏾‍♀️

Mia • Wife 💍 Mother 💙💜💙💙 Baker 👩🏾‍🍳🧁🎂

So I had my regular cycle on 12/19/18 it lasted the usual 5 days. Then on Wednesday, 1/2/19 I started spotting which was highly unusual for me because I don’t ever have irregular bleeding. This lasted for about 3-5 days and it ranged from lite pink to dark red to brown to orange 🤦🏾‍♀️. I tested on 1/11/19 and it was negative so I just decided to wait until last week to see if my cycle would come on but nope nothing, no cramps or anything. So last Thursday night I test again but it was negative, Friday morning same thing bfn. Then on Tuesday I had what I thought to be a gas pain (sorry tmi) so I head to the bathroom and saw some more lite spotting. Later on that day I was in the bathroom and something said look at those test the one from Thursday night was still negative but the one from Friday night was positive 🤔 I knew which was which because I placed the one from Friday inside of a cup so husband wouldn’t see it (trying to be able to surprise him when the time comes). But this spotting has yet to stop. It’s inconsistent and never enough to fill a pantyliner or pad and it’s still lite pink. I have an appointment with my primary care doctor tomorrow so I’m gonna see if she’ll give me a blood and urine test while I’m there. Anyone else experience this? And if so what was the outcome??