Unexpectedly heartbroken

This is something that I can’t talk to anyone (other than my boyfriend) about. I’m just venting.

I should’ve known and now it’s too late. I showed every sign and they all flew right over my head. I am having a miscarriage and I have never felt more confused.

I (23f) have been with my boyfriend (23m) for two years this February. We have every intention on starting our lives together. We are planning on moving in together this summer and starting to save to buy in another state. We are best friends and couldn’t be more perfect for each other, however we are not ready to become parents. As much as we aren’t ready, Our current situation is hitting us both fairly hard - in a rather confusing way - we have discussed our options in the past about if we do get pregnant but we never discussed how we would handle a miscarriage. But then again, how can you prepare for something as awful as this?

I feel like I have failed as a woman.