Annoyed with the Midwife I had today


Sorry just need to rant a bit.

I went in for my 37 week apt today and had a different np/midwife then usual.

I did not like this lady one bit. It felt like she didn't listen to me, ignored my thoughts and basically told me I don't know my own body.

I told her I've been having some contractions, not enough to start timing.

I haven't lost my plug yet or had any bloody show, however I am positive I am dialated at least a 1. My husband said he felt an opening in my cervix during intercourse, plus I have a longer cervix and I am acutely aware of it and can feel it dialating.

She asked me if I've been checked. I said no not yet. She didnt bother to offer to check for me, even though I have a history of 1 preterm baby.

We did my gbs swab today, they had me do it myself which is weird. This is my 3 pregnancy all at the same hospital and I've never been asked to do the swab myself.

Anyway I told her if my water breaks I probably wont make it to the hospital in time for antibiotics.

1st birth from water breaking to delivery was 1 hour.

2nd birth from water breaking to birth was 45 minutes.

I am expecting this one to be the same or 30 minutes.

She basically treated me like I am stupid and dont know my body.

With my first I was leaking amniotic fluid and had to be induced. It took 3 days on pitocin. Had my baby at 35 + 6. Had epidural baby was out in less than 5 minutes of pushing.

Second had to be induced at 41 weeks. Used cytek pill and Foley bulb. Only pushed for 25 seconds.

She assured me that I'll have tons of heavy contractions well before my water breaks this time. I disagree. When I got induced with my second I barely had anything more than cramping before my water broke.

She treated me like a hypochondriac first time mom and was all like pregnancies dont go according to plan.

I know that I've had 2 very different deliveries, but I know my body.

I wish I had my regular person, she listens and has been with me through all my pregnancies.

Oh and this lady flat out told me I'd be depressed this week because I'm 37 weeks.

Anyway sorry for the rant, pregnancy hormones 🤣