Should i go on birth control if i have irregular periods and i am 18



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I would suggest exercise, more water intake and healthier eating habits. This will help to regulate you cycle.


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I am not sexually active


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I no a few people who’s doctors have put them on birth control for 3 months prior to trying to convince to try and make there irregular cycles regular, never asked them if it worked tho so no advice there.. I personally cant take birth control because it obviously fucks with your hormones hence the not ovulating and I get very suicidal on any birth control, so my only suggestion is to research it and talk to a doctor


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Talk to your doctor but one of my friends kept having irregular periods and her doctor made her go on birth control because they said it can mess worth her ovaries and hurt the chances of her having babies in the future


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Don’t take birth control. Taking those hormones fucks your organism up and then when you’ll older you’ll wonder why you struggle to get pregnant.


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I’d say there’s no need unless your periods are really painful or you’re getting a period more than once a month. Once you’re sexually active I would consider it.