What’s going on with my body?! HELP!


So about seven months ago I found out I have ovarian cyst, which doesn’t seem all that scary, but since then they haven’t gone away.. 🧐 my OBGYN isn’t very much help and I really have no one to ask because no one I know has any experience with them! So I’ve been doing some digging online on here and also keeping track of how I feel around ovulation, my periods and the week between the two, and lately I’ve noticed that sex has become painful after doing it a few times a week, which led me to the question of endometriosis, what is it? How does it happen? What are the symptoms? And can it cause infertility? I’m scared to go and get answers because I feel my hope of ever getting pregnant will be crushed😔 does anyone have any advice or person thoughts on this anything would help!