Who thinks girls need a lot more information on how our reproductive system works whether it’s school or parents



I hear ALOT of young girls asking the simple questions that should be taught to them growing up whether it’s made a bigger part of the curriculum at school or parents are made to go a bit more in-depth

I think this would prevent a lot of unwanted pregnancies and would also help women when they decide to have a baby so they actually know how it all works

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Posted at
I think schools need to do a WAY better job with sex ed. Including non-heterosexual relationships and consent. The amount of ignorance around consent on this app astounds me, and honestly I’d consider not knowing what consent entails as a public health risk 🤷🏼‍♀️As for parents, there obviously can’t be laws surrounding that. But I support children learning about consent, body parts, sexuality, etc, as soon as they are old enough to understand in age-appropriate ways


Ash • Jan 25, 2019
😂 did we go to the same school? That sounds like how my sex Ed classes went. 🙄


Be • Jan 25, 2019
Hahahahaha yeah we got the you will get chlamydia and die routine😂 but honestly though it’s awful how bad it is and then you get 18 year olds or even 30 year olds who have no idea how to get pregnant how it works or even what a period is and that’s scary


Na • Jan 25, 2019
Oh yeah I agree with that too! Those are just the main 2 that I feel like I missed out on with in school sex Ed. But then again, I was literally taught that if I had sex before marriage, I WOULD get an std. if I waited until marriage, there was no way to get an std. the. They spent the next 2 weeks showing us pictures of STDs


Posted at
Oh yes. I have peers who are in their 30s who don’t know how their own bodies work.Guys too, for that matter. When I was growing up the mentality was “guys don’t need to know about periods”. Many guys go on to have female partners and children of their own, so yes, they do need to know. It’s not dirty, it’s biology.


Be • Jan 25, 2019
I completely agree! I will be teaching my son all about those things. I hear some partners won’t even pick up a box of tampons for their gfs etc just because it’s “gross” like what🙈 it’s not it’s something that we need lol


Posted at
My parents are the most conservative, old fashioned people in the world. My mum never talked to me about anything! Even when I got my first period and ran to her crying thinking that i’m going to bleed to death she just gave me a box of tampons and left it up to me to read the instructions. When I was a teen internet was just becoming a thing so i had to self educate through books and magazines on all aspects of personal hygiene, sexual health etc. I had older cousins but because of the way my parents were I thought all these subjects were taboo and dared not ask them anything. In school wr had 0 sexual education, the only things we learnt abouth the genitalia was from biology classes.To have a teenager ask the questions they ask on this app these days when information is so easily accessible is very strange. Moreover most of the questions are just showing that they want to be adults to soon but are not ready and mature enough. To ask if you can get pregnant from being fingered by your boyfriend who hasn’t washed his hands after going to the toilet is plain stupid. That person is not ready for anything even remotely sexual.


Be • Jan 25, 2019
😂😂 yeah that’s kinda the thing I’m talking about. I’m sorry your mum Was like that. I think it’s their generation that we’re like that but things need to take a drastic change


Posted at
The exact reason why I love the age filter on this app 🤦🏽‍♀️


. • Jan 25, 2019
Agreed!! But I’m finding so many young girls are now lying about their age on here... I have the age filter on, but still see a bout a dozen posts a day from 11-16 year olds...


Be • Jan 25, 2019
Thank you Hun xxx


BB • Jan 25, 2019
Haha SO TRUE! Go to community, click the middle icon too right hand corner, looks like 3 lines with circles on them..you’ll find filter there :) enjoy


Posted at
100%!There was a young girl on this app just last night genuinely asking if you could get pregnant from masturbation... not joking, not trolling.When I explained that you cannot, and expressed genuine disappointment that the sex education system was failing, she called me a hoe and said she was already educated enough...Just based on the posts on this app from 11-16 year olds, I know that there isn’t enough education on reproduction and sex!


Blueswan • Jan 26, 2019
Really? Because I give educated cautious responses every time I see a post like that, and no one has ever responded that way.


. • Jan 25, 2019
Absolutely! The saddest part is the way they talk to you when you tell them the truth, ask their age or recommend they educate themselves. I’ve been called a bitch, a hoe, the “C” word... all by 11-15 year old, because I said that they cannot get pregnant from giving a blow job, and that they should educate themselves on how sex and pregnancy happens... makes me not want to have a daughter!


Be • Jan 25, 2019
Oh god , it’s just so scary because those are the girls who end up getting pregnant and having n o clue what’s going on or get STIS and those are the ones who need more help and support


Posted at
I personally think it needs to be federally mandated education this way states can't claim that the bible prohibits everyone from learning about it in their state. If you want a religious pass that's different but they all need to be allowed the option of education. Furthermore the states that have the least sex education are the ones with the highest rate of teen births and no abortion clinics!


Posted at
My school got rid of sex ed completely at the request of parents (not mine they thought it was a stupid idea). So I never had proper school sex ed. Our Biology II teacher worked some stuff in under the radar. Thankfully I had big interest in the human body so that wasn't a problem for me but I had to explain to 16-17 year olds in my class that they DO NOT pee out of their vaginas. Most of us were sexually active at this point.


Nina • Jan 25, 2019
My husband understood I had a urethra too but didn't quite get where it was until I had a catheter put in during childbirth. "Oh now I see it." My nurse busted up laughing. I did get pregnant going into my senior year, on birth control that I took religiously, and had a girl actually say to me "Not so smart now, are you?" Like sorry Sarah you didn't know where your bladder empties or guys pee out where they ejaculate 🤷‍♀️. What amazed me was I was ostracized when they were all having sex without protection (it was brought up) but the 2 of us that got pregnant were the bad stupid ones. Never understood that one.


Be • Jan 25, 2019
Lol the amount of boys and girls actually that think you wee out your vagina is just outrageous and scary I get it that’s what it is for boys sort of but how can they not know lol . I saw a post from someone who had been with their partner along time and was around 30 and had to tell her partner where it was after 2 years that was pretty shocking


Posted at
Only when I started trying to convince did I fully learn and understand sex, reproduction, and my body. Not to mention all the “I touched my boyfriends penis can I get pregnant?” Questions I see on here lol


Posted at
I think parents and education on reproductive health and sex education are really failing our you people. A few years back, my sisters good friend was talking about her boyfriend and how she had given him head. She said she swallowed and was super concerned she could be pregnant. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I was sitting there with a blank stare looking at her and asked if she was serious. This girl was dead serious that she thought she might be pregnant. I had to spend 30 minutes explaining why that was impossible and the first few times, she was legitimately confused.


Be • Jan 25, 2019
Oh wow🙈 it worries me so much


Posted at
Oh heck yes. I know I’m not the only one that gets annoyed at seeing the same questions “can I get pregnant if...” posts on here. It’s mind boggling how horrid the sex Ed curriculum is. I knew it wasnt up to par but damn it seems like it’s getting worse and worse. It saddens me to see how much both men and women don’t understand the reproductive systems, it should be a priority. Not just for our own benefit, but truly for the world (but that’s another whole can of beans).