Entitled husband?

My husband works and provides for me and my 2 month old daughter. He is a good man. But when you don’t give him what he wants, he could turn evil so quick. Yesterday, I started feeling my throat get scratchy. I panicked, I don’t want to get my newborn sick (she still doesn’t have her shots) so I’ve been downing medication like no other. Well last night, he asked me for a blowjob and he knew I had a sore throat, so I said no because I’m in pain. He asked me for sex and I said no because I do feel achy. The baby finally went to sleep and I wanted to sleep as well so I could rest this sickness away. I understand he’s sexually frustrated but this is where it turns bad— he punishes me for saying no. Meaning, he will give me the silent treatment or be really short with me. It hurts really bad.

This morning I was up at 4 am and I meal prepped for him to take food to work, I packed it and everything was good. He woke up still pretty pissy about last night, not really talking or saying anything still answering pretty short. I had to shower before he left to work so I did that. I came out and asked if he was gonna eat breakfast. He said we didn’t have anything in the fridge. Not true— I told him there’s bacon and eggs etc. he’s like really? I said yes make some. He gets up and makes some and has breakfast. Shortly after, I got up and made myself breakfast before my daughter wakes up and this. Is. Where. It. Went. To. Shit.

My husband was like “so you make breakfast for yourself but you don’t offer to make me breakfast?” And I was like are you serious? He’s like “yeah wow what do you even do for me?” And I said “well I prepared your lunch for today did I not?” He told me to keep it. I said “wow that’s disgusting” and he replied with “your disgusting”.

He’s never said that to me before. I’m so hurt. I didn’t reply after that because I didn’t want it to continue. He ended up taking his lunch and left for work. Did I do something wrong here? Is he acting entitled? I don’t even know what to do. I’m usually the one who apologizes first even if I didn’t do anything wrong but to be honest I’m sick of it.