Rant: on the verge of snapping


I am so incredibly irritable right now. I have been on limited mobility and have a compromised immune system. So this pregnancy has been kind of the worst experience. Ever. I feel completely overwhelmed because nothing is done and I can’t do most of it. My partner has zero hygiene. I swear. I am like super clean freak and he is a slob. Normally I would pick up after him and not a big deal but now... I can barely pick up after myself. I feel like I constantly have to bitch to get things done. Errrrreee 😡🤬

Now, his lack of hygiene has caused him to get sick from work and I am so pissed. I have to be induced tomorrow. My immune system is already compromised and me getting sick would be really effing bad. Also, he gave me shit because I didn’t want to “quarantine” the baby for the first for few months and here he is ... sick and thinking he is going to be at the delivery. I hate to be a dick. Seriously, he just needed to complete basic hygiene and wear a mask with sick patients this week. . And couldn’t even do that. And he keeps touching everything and coughing every where without covering his mouth. Ew!

Hygiene bro.

My ears hurt and I feel like I am starting to get his cold 😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑