Hello! Need some advice..


Daughter is healthy and 7 weeks old. We have been breastfeeding since day one. We have had very little problems and it’s been going really well. We have given her pumped milk a few times and takes it after a little resistance. Here is my situation...I will be going back to work soon. I work night shift 3-12 hour shifts. I don’t want to stop breastfeeding all together as I do enjoy the bond it gives us, but I feel like the more bottles she may have that she might get to prefer it. My other concern is, my husband will be the one to put her to bed and do feeding in the night. He hasn’t fed her at all yet and she still doesn’t take the bottle smoothly. I’m thinking of switching to just pumping and bottles so it may be easier on him and I can start and get her use to it before I go back to work. How much do your babies get in a bottle? Did you have problems with baby still wanting to nurse as a pacifier? (We’ve has no luck getting her to take a pacifier) in the evenings she will nurse and comfort nurse for over and hour before I’m able to put her down for bed for the night.