MIL comes before our child?


So I set my anatomy scan 2 weeks ago I scheduled it for February 6th at noon. I told EVERYONE that it was on the 6th and I cant reschedule because it is extremely hard to get appointments at this hospital. My mother in law wont drive to the city so when she has appointments or anything like that we usually will take her. She was on the phone with her doctor scheduling an appointment for a physical or something like that and he asked her what day works best the 5th the 6th or the 7th she said the 6th. This wouldn't have been a problem except when he asked what time she said around 11:30- noon. My husband told her that's no good we have the baby appointment that day and her words were "you need to think about who raised you and who took care of you. I respect my parents you cant respect me? My parents will always come before anyone it should be the same for you I raised you by myself" and went on to continue and say that she takes priority over our children. She told me to "reschedule my appointment so her and her son can be there" by husband said nothing! I can understand a mom getting a little jealous when her only son finds a woman and they start dating or whatever but this is her grandchild. She knows that this is an important appointment because the doctors suspect there is something wrong. And what bothers me most is we were so close. Now since I'm pregnant shes been controlling she pretty much forced us to put "fern" in our childs name if we have a girl because she likes it and wants it to be carried on through generations. She told us that our kids aren't allowed to call my husbands step father grandpa (which really bothers me because both my husband and my own fathers have passed away so our kids wont have a grandfather) the way I see it if he earns the title my kids can call him whatever they want. And now shes saying that she should come before our kids. Idk what's going on with her but its bothering me. Sorry to be so long just needed to vent lol