Take her or leave her??

Alright. I really can’t decided wether or not I should take my dog with me this weekend to my step mothers house. So I am turning here for opinions.

Pros to taking her:

1. She is my service dog for anxiety/depression relief and prevention.

2. My family loves her.

3. My step mom has a dog that she could play with.

4. Her and I both have separation anxiety when away from each other.

Cons to taking her:

1. She is Great Dane and is a large dog.

2. It’s about a 1 1/2 hour to 2 hour drive.

3. They may want to go do activities that would be hard to take her to do, so I may have to leave here with the other dog at my step moms house. She has a fully fenced yard though and a doggy door to be inside or outside as she wants or needs.

4. It would be kind of hard to take her and all of her food for 3 days.

Cons to leaving her:

1. My husband works and hates caring for the animals so she wouldn’t get much play time or affection while I am gone.

2. She would be alone for at least 8 hours or more while my husband is at work.

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