Break with boyfriend

Okay, so a month ago my boyfriend asked for a break bc he’s upset about things that have happened in our relationship ( like fights) they have gotten pretty bad never physical just we’d get really mad at each other bc he always felt I was attacking him when I really just wanted to talk about things that have hurt me. And id get pissed bc he’s never understand where I was coming from. Anyways he said he needed space and I’ve given him space , it’s weird tho bc he still texts me all the time and we even still hang out occasionally. I just don’t know what to do though bc recently after we started our break this guy that hangs with our group started talking to me. I didn’t expect to actually like him! He’s been wanting to hang out and I want to but I know if I go out with him my ex will just completely give up trying to fix things. Which honestly I want to fix things but I don’t know if he’s worth it anymore. This has made me realize our relationship had a lot of problems that I don’t know if I want to return to