
Ok girls so let me start by saying my periods use to be really irregular but over the past year were pretty normal (still verry painful) but coming in to the new year they have become messed up agin. my last period was in November, it was a normal period and then a few days ago I started bleeding but it only lasted a few hours tops and then stoped altogether but I’m still having pains. my periods are usually on the longer side of things there was the tiniest amount of blood in my underwear a day or so later and then a day later and the following day after that I masterbated (there was no insertion at all) and there was some blood in my discharge after woods it doesn’t continue throughout the day it just stops agin. I really don’t no what’s going on I’ve never had such a short period mine are usually longer I’m still getting my bad pains and I’m not pregnant I’ve made sure of that I just have no clue what’s going on !