Weight loss.. To people who lost 100+ lbs

I’m currently struggling with my weight and have been since I had my first child 6 years ago.

I went from 160 pre-pregnancy to 270 In only 9 MONTHS . 😭😭😭 I haven’t been able to really lose it. Highest I weighed was 292 and the Lowest was when my son was a year a half due to break up with his father and not eating the lowest I got was 200. I gained it all back not long after getting with my current SO... now I’m currently 275. And I’m pregnant with my 3rd currently. I haven’t gained weight this pregnancy it’s been pretty consistent ranging from 269-276 and I’m 31 weeks.

Anyways, Once I have the baby and I’m healed I wanna try my best to get back down to 160. Maybe 150...

Any tips?

Also, Did skin get saggy in certain areas? Or is there a way to tone it??

It’s been 6 years and I just wanna feel better about my body again. 😭😭😭

I’ve tried diets before but due to depression, I haven’t succeeded..