Anything ? Opinions ? Need some reassurance

So here lately my nipples have been super sore but the pain comes and goes. Super tired and feel out of breathe and exhausted. I’ve been cramping/bloated here lately. AF is a day late. I’ve been having stabbing pain on my sides around my pelvic bone. My body temp is still high (98.8/99). All tests are negatives. Yesterday nothing but nausea all day. Today no nausea, just super hungry, energetic and well rested. My symptoms are sooooo confusing. I’ve been sick with a mild cold and been taking medicines for a yeast infection, uti and a bacterial vaginosis that I recently got diagnosed with on Tuesday. 13 dpo. I need opinions. If AF don’t show by the weekend, I’ll definitely go to the doctor on Monday but I just want opinions and what you ladies think.