MMR shot

I’m honestly hearing a lot of horror stories regarding the MMR shot and it makes me worried for my LO. It seems like since the measles, mumps, and rubella shot were all combined it’s been causing bad reactions to babies health and developmental wise. I know it’s recommended to get it at 12 months, but honestly I’d love to wait until my child is entering school before he gets it. Im hoping the older he is, the less susceptible he is to complications. Has anyone done this before?? How did it turn out for your child??

***Okay some of y’all could’ve answered without being so harsh. Obviously I’m still trying to decide what’s best for my child and I just wanted some advice and opinions on the situation. Nothing is set in stone. If you want to mention the risk of being infected try a warmer approach than “do you want your child to die” Gees. There’s other ways to say things.***