Anyone had an ultrasound and didnt hear heartbeat? I had my first ultrasound today and we didnt hear heartbeat. Ultrasound tech didnt say anything about it. According to last period I would be 8 weeks 4 days but she said baby is measuring 7 weeks 5days.


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Posted at
I never heard the heartbeat until after 12 weeks when they started using the Doppler on me during my prenatal appointments.


Posted at
You should be able to see a flickering on the screen to indicate an active HB...they would almost always check to see how fast it is...that’s super unusual. The fact that they didn’t talk to you after the ultrasound is very reassuring because if there was a problem they always inform the Dr to speak to you?? 🤔 that’s just odd...the fact that you’re measuring behind would lead me to want to call Monday morning to ask specifically about the heartbeat


Posted at
1. You don’t want to “hear” the heartbeat, you want to see it. Do not let them let you hear it yet! Not good for the baby 2. They could have just missed it or she was focusing on dating you and not even looking for it yet💕💕


K • Jan 26, 2019
I understand but right above I stated it was because of the waves. I wouldn’t have known either if the tech hadn’t told me! If you have a good tech I’m sure they will tell you and let you see it but not hear it so don’t worry, that’s why I commented to the original poster and probably why the tech didn’t even look. Wishing you a happy 9 mo💕


🐝A • Jan 26, 2019
Well....I was just asking? I'm freshly pregnant and have no idea what goes on at a first appointment.


Wegucci🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️ • Jan 26, 2019
Yea that’ okay.


Posted at
By 7 weeks you should be able to hear the heartbeat, i heard the hb at 6 weeks.. iv hear tho of people not hearing the heartbeat told to terminate and then they had an ultrasound again and there it was.. maybe human error on finding it.. id try and book back in to have it cheack again.. good luck xxx


Jacqueline • Jan 26, 2019
Weird normally thats something the zoom in on and you can see the flicker.. i think youv just had a lazy ultrasound technician or she wasnt that experienced, iv had that with my sons us, no description or talking about ehat they are seeing and looking at..


Alexis • Jan 26, 2019
I have an appointment in 9 days with ob. She didnt say she heard it and she didnt say she didnt. I was in the moment from being able to see baby I didn't even think about heartbeat until after we left hospital


Posted at
I didn’t either at my appointment when I was almost 12 weeks. He just didn’t use the Doppler


Posted at
Thats normal. They couldnt find my babys at that week either. It depends how baby is implanted.


Posted at
My dr showed us the heart the beat but wouldn’t let us listen to it until 14 weeks I think. & I think that was with a Doppler.


Ka • Jan 26, 2019
Idk for sure but I assumed it wasn’t safe to do with an internal US that early or maybe it’s just to low to even be picked up.


🐝A • Jan 26, 2019
Why is that? I guess I always thought 8 weeks and you'd hear the heartbeat! 🤔


Posted at
You might not hear the heartbeat for a little while yet. You should be able to see and detect the heartbeat, thought. They should do another scan next week to check everything