How to talk to my doctor

Hi I just turned 20 years old I been trying to get pregnant since I was 19 and unfortunately I haven’t i gone to the Obgyn cause I had a cyst they say they are normal and I got a ultrasound and they told me everything looks fine even though I still have pain in my left side ????? I’m really embarrassed talking to my doctor me wanting to have kids I’m financially stable and have my own home but I’m just scared they are going to want to help me . I’m over weight so I’m not sure if that has to do with anything . I I’m positive I have endometriosis but every doctor that I go to says my ultrasound looks good I’m just tired of my left and tired of the doctors telling me the ultrasound looks good I

Just want to know what I have so I can start getting the treatment I need and try and get pregnant