Painless bump

I've noticed a bump in my pubic area (not close to my labia or vagina), and it's been there for the last six months, which was the last time I was sexually active. We used a condom, but I know that doesn't excuse my reckless behavior. The bump isn't filled with pus, just slightly red and isn't painful. It's small, about half the size of a pea. Do you think it could be an STD or nothing to worry about at all?

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Where abouts is the lump? I had one on my groin area and it turned out to be cyst that was rather common, called a bartholins cyst. Harmless but can be irritating. They usually go away on their own, if not they will be cut out. I had mine examined by a doctor and found out pretty quick what it was.


Kaitlin • Feb 28, 2019


Becky 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿❤️ • Feb 4, 2019
On the pubic mound?


Kaitlin • Feb 4, 2019
The pubic area, not near the vagina


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Zit or ingrown hair. If it bothers you get it checked. Have you tried putting witch hazel or something like that on?


Elizabeth • Feb 2, 2019
Oh yeah! Witch hazel is cheap af and effective


Kaitlin • Jan 29, 2019
No, but I'll give it a shot! Im pretty sure its not an ingrown hair or zit, its been there for about half a year 😒


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i used to get those often, i did nothing about them and they went away on their own


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I would go get checked out