Is this unreasonable?


So I’m not pregnant, and don’t plan on it for another couple of years, but me and my partner do occasionally talk about it and get really excited at the idea. So we were discussing the topic of visitors after giving birth, me personally I would want no visitors for 5-7 days after.

I would like this because I imagine I would be very exhausted after giving birth, I like the idea of it just being me, my partner and baby. I would want time to just bond with and become familiar with my baby, learning how to breastfeed if I can, getting used to being a mother etc etc.

My partner was a bit shocked at this and disagreed, he said that “no it would be their grandchild too” and “that’s too long” and honestly I was a little annoyed. I hoped he would respect my wishes, maybe I need to go into a little bit more depth and explain a bit more for him to understand.

Am I being reasonable? What’s your opinion on the matter? And if you yourself are expecting a little one, what do you plan on doing?