So Incredibly Hurt


I'm not one to blast my problems and issues, but I can't hold this in.

My husband and I got in an argument this evening. I know people say things they don't mean when they're mad, but this was one of the most hurtful things I've ever heard.

Weve been TTC our first child for 6 months. It's been a roller coaster for sure. I always keep him updated when I'm ovulating and he was well aware yesterday and today are my peak days.

During this argument, he flat out says to me, "We are not having sex tonight, so I guess we're not having a baby." We drove the entire way home from dinner not speaking after he said this. Of course I cried when we got home. I'm only assuming he said it to have power in the situation and do the most damage.

After getting home, 30 minutes roll by and he asks if I'm okay. I tell him no, that what he said was very hurtful and I didn't want to talk to him or be near him. At this point I'm too upset. He hasn't even tried to apologize and honestly, I'm too hurt to even accept it.

I just don't understand how he could use sex as leverage to hurt me.

Thanks ladies for listening. 💝