What would you do?

So my boyfriend and I have been together for 2 years. I’m 24 and he’s 29. I love him more than anything. This isn’t my first serious or long term relationship... I’ve had two 4 year relationships prior. Anyways....he doesn’t have the best work ethic and was calling off work a lot or leaving early. So his checks were short. He got behind on his half of bills and had to play “catch up.” We split everything down the middle except I pay for groceries and he doesn’t help with them. Mind you groceries are expensive 😭. I work 2 jobs, at least 55 hours a week. He works full time, 40 hours a week. While I’m working my second job, he’s out with friends doing stuff and spending money. It kills me that he’s out spending money, knowing he’s short on bills AND I’m buying groceries all myself. I’m busting my ass for him to just slack off and do whatever? I try talking to him and he acts like it isn’t a big deal and then says “what so I’m not supposed to do anything!?”. I never said he shouldn’t go have fun ever, but wouldn’t you think bills should come first? Or maybe help with groceries a little? I don’t do any extra cirriculars because 1.) I don’t have the time & 2.) I don’t have the money because I actually pay my bills and buy household supplies/groceries. I feel like this is becoming a big problem and I don’t want to be with him if he does this continuously.... help!? 😕

What would you do?