Anxious, nervous, scared

I went to my OB appointment I’m 31+4 and have been dealing with a short cervix. Well today it’s suddenly a lot shorter than my last 5 visits... went from 3.5 to 1.2 cm and today had a funnel starting. I hadn’t had a funnel until this point so no cerclage and I’ve been on Progesterone suppositories... they’ve been doing great until now. So I was sent to the hospital for steroid shots... she’s hoping I make it to at least 37 weeks but isn’t convinced I will. If I do, because of these issues and delivery issues last time and baby being a little on the large size o will be induced at 37 weeks... so my guy will be here by March 5... again she doesn’t even think I will get to that point. I guess I just need good thoughts and prayers sent our way that baby will be healthy and happy.