Preemptive Bed rest?


Hi ladies. I’m writing this to find out if anyone has had a similar experience and also just for some support because I’m struggling with it. I apologize for the long post.

Six years ago I saw my OB for a lengthy period. The work up included a vaginal sono during which the tech commented “oh, did you know you have an odd shaped uterus?” I didn’t, and neither she nor my doctors ever said anything further about it, then or in all my appointments since. The period issue was a one time thing that hasn’t occurred since.

Fast forward to now, I’m 24 weeks pregnant with my first child. When I first got pregnant I had seen that something called Bicornuate Uterus can make you high risk requiring more monitoring and I remembered my scan 6 years ago. I checked my records and low and behold they indicated a mild BU.

At this point I’ve had five scans and it was never mentioned so I figured it was a non issue but decided to mention it to be proactive in my health. They reviewed the old scan but were unable to detect it in any of the pregnancy scans. So yesterday at my appointment I ask about it and I was told that because it had showed up that one time they’d treat me as high risk including more frequent growth and cervix monitoring and steroid injections in case of preterm labor. My NP was very apologetic that it was disregarded so long. But then she dropped the bombshell on me that I’d be placed on bed rest from 32 weeks on.

I am so grateful that my little boy has been healthy so far and I feel like a giant jerk, a bad mom (and a bad nurse) for even questioning something that is meant to protect him. But I’m absolutely reeling from this news. I feel like it’s such a serious thing to decide two months in advanced based solely on a condition they haven’t even detected in years.

I didn’t have the opportunity to ask all of what I wanted to because I was so shocked so I’m unsure of what exactly this will be like but I’m obviously going to be out of work and she mentioned staying home and no laundry/cleaning.

I’m so sad for many reasons. Mostly because this will cut into the time I have off with him once he’s born. I hate the thought of leaving him at an even younger age than I already would’ve had to. I feel stressed and rushed to get everything done for his arrival. I’m a big planner and this just dissolved my plans (welcome to life with kids right?) and It’s months away and I already feel guilty for all that my husband will have to do to help me out and I’m sad that our last few months of just him and I will have to be spent at home. I also really love my job and know that it’s most likely that I won’t be able to return to this same position I’ve worked hard at for years.

And I know how unimportant these things really are in the grand scheme. Because I know how lucky I am to have my little guy and I feel terrible because I know he can feel my sadness and stress.

Anybody else deal with something similar or this guilt? I’m just trying to stay positive and focus on the goal of having a healthy baby, but these hormones certainly aren’t helping the cause lol. Thanks for sticking with me if you’ve read up till now. Would love to hear anyone’s experiences!