Cringy embarassing stories!?

Do you guys have any cringy embarassing stories from when you were younger!

A super embarassing story i have is one time in 8th grade there were 2 boys fighting in the hallway Well my class was right next to them and i had been late like 2x already i didnt want a 3rd strike. So while their pushing and shoving one another a crowd starts forming around them. But me im too focused on getting to class that its like... I knew what was happening and i acknowledged the crowd but for some reason it didnt click in my brain all i could focus on was getting there before the bell rang

So... I start pushing past the crowd and everyones looking at me like what is she doing? And i walk right thru the fight! One guy shoves the other guy and he trips and halfway falls right on me and i stumble back and catch myself on the lockers and its only then when i realize OMG what am i doing 😩 by then everyones just staring at me and even the boys stopped for a second and since i was already close to my class i just grabbed my binders hugged them to my chest and walked to class... I- 🙃😭

Also I had a phase my freshmen year where i would act like cat valentine from victorious... Yea... All the guys had a crush on her and i was pretty naive and innocent as is so i thought why not "show it off" more by acting like her and talking like her... I die when i think back on it 😂😂😂💀💀💀