Irrational jealousy

Madeleine • 21, just here to keep track of all the things, y`know?☺️💕💕

So, my boyfriend has a female friend who he stopped being friends with for a while because she was a bitch to him. They've kind of started being friends again (she apologised, and has some shit go down, it doesn't sound like she has a lot of friends, and from what I've heard, her relationship is not the most healthy thing in the world). But now, everytime he mentions her, in message, or in real life, I get this awful pang of jealousy. Can anyone relate? Can anyone tell me how to deal with this?

P.S. I have told my boyfriend all of this, and he completely understands and is really great about it. I love and trust him to the ends of the earth, and I know, rationally, that he would never ever hurt me like that, but I still get this irrational rush of jealousy when I see her name. Help?

EDIT: Realised I forgot to put down what I think is the cause of the jealousy. Way back when, before me and my boyfriend had even met in real life (we met online, not that that's relevant), she made several attempts to get with him- hence why I think I get jealous, and why I know it's irrational, cause even then, he was shooting her down!