Lucas Carter 1/25/19
I’m not great at storytelling so I’ll try my best here.
My due date was 2/5/2019 and I had no intentions on him arriving early until I found out he had IUGR at 36 weeks. My doctor then told me there was a possibility of an induction at my next ultrasound appointment 1/23/2019. Had my ultrasound appt and he was still measuring small and my fluid was now low, off to the hospital I went for my induction. I was so nervous and scared and excited all at once! I got to the hospital around noon and started cervidil at 3:30. NOTHING HAPPENED for the whole 12 hours I was still only at a half cm. So they gave me a second dose. The contractions started to get a little painful and they checked me..... I was only 2 cm😒 I got to a 2.5 and they removed the cervidil after 12 hours. I started to feel really discouraged because I was hurting and I had a long way to go to even think of an epidural. I say it’s fortunate because nothing bad came of it, but my bp started getting really high and my god send nurse said we were going to go ahead and start the epidural and then pitocin. I was relieved and ABSOLUTELY terrified. I had already been shaking for a while, but when the doctor came in to start prepping for the epidural I freaked and went full panic. I was crying hysterically and shaking violently. I calmed down before he got ready to start putting in the epidural because I knew if I didn’t I would be in trouble. I will 100% say I do not regret getting the epidural. I don’t think that the timing was wrong and I think it went great. After I got the epidural and they started pitocin they checked my cervix and I was at a 5-6. I was happy. It was progress and I was still feeling good from the epidural. I kid you not though when I say not even 15 minutes later I felt like I had to poop!!!! My nurse was on lunch and I tried to tell the nurse filling in for her and she brushed it off as pressure and I just breathed through them until my nurse got back. So exactly 1 hour after I spoke to the nurse who was not my nurse I pushed my button and my nurse came in and checked me and said I only have a small amount of cervix left and I told her I felt the urge to push and she talked me through breathing and telling me to stop tensing up when I was. She was great and really helped me along. She told me to try to hold out as long as possible, but my body kept trying to push so she got ready and let me start pushing. She did warn me that I was going to have a long road ahead. At first it was hard and I felt like I wasn’t progressing, but I got the hang of it. My doctor dropped in to take a peak and headed to the other hospital. I doubt he was even out of the parking lot when my nurse had to call him back up there to deliver my baby. Everything went really fast from there, baby did have the umbilical cord around his neck so that was a slight hiccup, but the doctor got it undone fast and he was out seconds later at 5:11 am. They gave him a quick look over and put him on my chest. They had to rub him some because he was purple. He started crying good though and his color went normal pretty fast. Doctor stitched me up while baby was on my chest and I thought my tear was probably horrible because it felt like it took him forever to stitch me up. He said it was a normal tear for a first birth so I’m not really sure how much I tore. I pushed for 2 hours total and my induction was just shy of 38 hours. His weight was 5 lbs 10 oz and he is 17 inches long. We are doing good. Lucas is having a problem keeping his blood sugar up and his heart rate is being monitored due to some dipping so say a little prayer for him please. All in all though I am so over the moon happy with my experience and with my Lucas. He is so perfect and the love of my life😍
If you read the whole thing,
thank you so much for sticking with me and good luck to all the mamas about to give birth!

Let's Glow!
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