I am 6 wks, praise God!!

Noradun • 🌸Due in Sept 2019 with 🌈 after TTC 3.5 yrs with PCOS👣Mommy of 5 💑 Married for 14 yrs👩🏼‍🎓Graduating in 2019 👩🏼‍💻 WFH Mom 🌼

I feel a little relieved now that I have made it 6 wks!! With my pregnancy in October I had bleeding from 4-6 wks and ended up MC! So far this pregnancy I have had no spotting at all!! Nausea has begun, round ligament pains come and go, as do breast pains! So I am hoping this is my healthy baby!!

I am truly enjoying every moment, grow baby grow!

My pregnancies look quite different from most, as I will monitor myself until farther into my second trimester, giving the midwife regular updates! Eventually I will have a late second trimester ultrasound and if all is well I will continue to handle my own prenatal care until deliver at home! I know this isn’t for everyone but after having five kiddos, educating myself, and building such an amazing relationship with my midwife it is what suits us best!

That being said I did my own prenatal check up today! I had lost 3 lbs but gained back 2, gotta make sure I am eating more balanced! I am a big girl, history shows I normally lose weight (between 30-50 lbs) so I am cautious when I see a gain! My urine did show I am dehydrated, that isn’t uncommon for me either, even though I drink all day my urine normally shows I need to eat and drink more during pregnancy! No heart rate detectable on baby yet, should be by the next exam at 10 wks! Blood pressure was great, pulse was great, uterus is already peaking above my pelvis (also normal for me)! Exciting stuff! Grow baby grow!!

I am loving this app, it is nice that I can record all of this and then just email it all organized to my midwife! While this isn’t a natural minded, or even friendly app, it’s great to have this at my fingertips! Thanks Glow!