Traumatic first birth experience. Glad my little is here safe ❤️

On Wednesday the 23 I went in at 8am with no effacement and no dilation to be induced. They started me on cytotec and by 11pm my water broke but I was only 2cm and 50% effaced. They wouldn’t let my husband stay with me as I had a roommate and even after my water broke they told me not to have him come back. This whole time I’m laying in bed having back labor next to a lady who had just had a C section the day before...I felt so bad and uncomfortable being there.
Morning comes around and they check me around 10am and I’m only at 3cm but 100% effaced. The midwife tells me that’s great and to come to the delivery room and that the baby will be born by sundown...well then they start me on Pitocin and boy do the contractions pick up! About two hours later I decide I’m gonna get the epidural because I just couldn’t take the back pain anymore. Well the Dr comes in to do it and he ends up sticking me about 10 times! No joke! It hurt so bad and I was having horrible contractions all through the process. Then when I think he finally gets it, it only worked on my left half and I could still feel everything on my right! It was manageable but not fun.
6pm rolls around and the midwife checks me again....I was only at 5cm! She tells me we might need to do a c section but she’s going to call the top dr to come check me first to see if I will progress more or not. Well he checks me and the midwife tells me the reason I’m not dilating is because his head got stuck on my pelvic bone and wouldn’t drop and that because of all the pressure his head was also too swollen and that I need a c section... well in the meantime they gave me a pain killer to help with the contractions which made me feel high and like I couldn’t stay awake. I remember drs trying to talk to me and me trying to respond without flossing my eyes..
Well c section time....I get to the OR and the same dr who did my epidural is doing the spinal and stabbed me about ten more times to get it.. I don’t remember much of what happens next other than telling myself I needed to stay awake so I had to find converging to focus on which I focused on the sound of my own heart beat pounding for them all to hear. I remember thinking “ oh no wake up you’re heart beat is dropping you need to meet you baby” during the whole thing. My husband was trying to talk to me to keep me awake as well but he said I just couldn’t focus and didn’t respond. Finally they put my
Baby on me for about five seconds and then him and my husband leave. I remember trying so dang hard to stay awake to meet my little boy. I thought if I feel asleep I might not wake up. I don’t even remember if they washed him or not when they put him on me..
I’m finally closed up and my husband brings my little boy to the ICU where I was at and as soon as he was in my arms he quit crying and latched on. It was wonderful to see him and my heart was so filled. We both had to have a little extra care because my water had been broken for over 21hrs but luckily both of us are fine doing alright.
Malachi Scott born at 8:03pm Jan24 8lbs and 20in long❤️ he has my whole heart
This is a picture of how swollen his head was from being stuck

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