Frustration with hcg and ovulation after miscarriage

Kristy • Married the love of my life🤵🏻👰🏻4/21/18. Lost our angel baby at 11 weeks👼🏻 12/6/18. Had my rainbow baby boy👶🏻 3/27/20. Lost our 2nd angel baby boy at 21W3D 6/3/2022 👼🏻. Pregnant with rainbow baby #2.

So today was a bad day. I absolute lost it. I cried like a little kid who lost their favorite toy. I’m so frustrated and confused over my body right now. I keep reading that you can’t ovulate or get a period until your levels are 0. My last blood test had me at 27 and I got my period the day before the appointment. I keep getting faint positives on FRER but got a negative on a digital pregnancy test. I’ve taken opk’s and can see the line is getting darker but also read that the test can confuse ovulation with pregnancy levels. I want to try again so badly but feel like I’m walking on pins and needles waiting on my last amount of hcg to drop. And on top of that I’m apparently going to ovulate this week. I’m really sad and confused and could use some words of encouragement