Sooo period started 2 days early..... AND...

Carissa • Mommy to a 3yr old girl and pregnant with baby #2🤰🏻

The initial wipe was bright red and a lot. Came without warning no pms signs no cramps or sore boobs. I usually bleed 5-6 days heavy clotty periods. Well this is day 3 and it’s turned brown isn’t filling a tampon and I still have no cramps or sore boobs I’m super weepy and I’ve been crying on and off all day for nothing. I put myself out for this month. But something in me is telling me this might not be a period.

With my first pregnancy I bleed for 4 days instead of the usual 6 and I thought lucky me a short period! Nope tested the next week cause I was throwing up and that was my implantation bleeding.

The tampon was in for about 6 hours