9mo sleep regression?


My son is 9mos. And the last week he has become so unbelievably clingy. He went from sleeping in his crib all night (Wake up once or twice) no problem to not even sleeping in it an hour. And he won’t even just sleep in the bed, he has to be laying on me or my husband in some form or fashion and even then he’s waking up constantly. Like last night he was up from 2-5 just off and on crying and tossing and turning. We tried cry it out last night after the hell the night before was and he started screaming, like almost a panic attack type freak out and it took forever to calm him back down. I thought it was because he had a cold, idk what I’m asking for at this point? Advice maybe? Reassurance he will go back to sleeping in his crib eventually? Like I’m losing my mind. And I am EXHAUSTED.

My little sour patch child enjoying pancakes last Sunday, 😍😍 bc even when he stresses me out I love him and love showing him off!