Significant other....35 weeks...


Does anyone else feel like their significant other or spouse is irritable with you because they are having to pick up “extra slack” around the house.

Don’t get me wrong I love my husband with all my being and he truly completes me and we have a wonderful relationship. However he is very non-confrontational, I am 35 weeks and have Pre-E. I have been put in bed rest pretty much and it is extremely hard for me because I am such an organized, OCD, Uber clean freakazoid! So NOT being able to do what I normally do and it falling on my husband to do, I can’t help but feel sometimes (like today) that when he is doing the dishes or something else that I normally do and I say “I was going to do that, in a bit” that I get a very cold toned response of “well now you don’t have to.” It hurts because I so badly want to do things, but physically can’t! And I hate feeling like he resents me for it. Maybe I am over thinking it and he really doesn’t mind, like he says he doesn’t but his tone really says otherwise....😢