I feel ashamed? should I? So confused rn.

Hi um I'm an African American high schooler who has recently fallen in love with korean culture, and with that, korean men and asian men in general. But I feel I little weird about it.

With the huge interest in things like kpop nowadays the fans have been spewing things like "don't sexualize Korean men" and its affecting me. Like I feel bad for being attracted to them like im not supposed to. And wondering if people will judge me and say I only like them because of *insert kpop group here*. Its quite nerve-wracking.

I don't want people to judge me because of this, but I also don't want to be ashamed of it. I don't even know if ashamed is the right word for this.

Please help me sort out my feelings. Is it bad that im attracted to asian men? Should I not care what others think?

I feel really dejected rn. Help ❤

[I posted this on 2 groups wasn't sure If I would get an answer]