Anyone have long cycles and can give info on when they ovulate.


I used to have regular 28-35 day cycles until about 8 months ago they randomly became literally 8 weeks apart. 😭 I had went to the doctor and everything checked out normal besides I wasn’t ovulating regularly. I have been taking a fertility vitamin which has seemed to help immensely. Now my cycles have been about 44 days apart and hopefully getting shorter and back to normal. This is my first month using opks but I’m already on cycle day 25 with no positive.. having light watery/sticky cm for the past few days and I’m seriously so frustrated. I’ve used an entire box of opks testing around 5pm and 8-9 pm. Idk what to do besides stress myself out. (My husband is military so the medical care is an absolute joke. I can’t just go to a specialist or get a bunch of tests ran because the clinic won’t give me a referral because we haven’t been ttc for a year.) I guess what I’m asking is has anyone ever experienced something similar with their cycle?