My mind wont stop racing..depression is popping its ugly little head..


I just wanna know already.. could I be pregnant again right after my MC... am I just being annoyingly hopeful? I feel like the people on here have been so much more helpful and hopeful than my own Dr. I lost my little bean on January 4th. When we went to the ER on the 5th I was told my HGC was at 900.. i was 7 weeks measuring at 6 weeks. I was told once the bleeding stop I was good again to start we did. Because my levels were so low I was expected to be at zero every early.. never had my levels tested until Friday. My pregnancy test are coming out positive and my HGC is at 55. DR emailed me telling me that by Wednesday I should be testing a negative test. If not to come in... I hate this. The waiting game.. the unanswered questions. I feel tired all over again and at one point this week felt a little nauseous... but is it all in my head? Has anyone ever been in this situation and it turn out ok?......