Recently my toddler has been waking up in the middle of the night screaming her head off.. she will get out of bed roll around on the floor and when I try to get her to calm her down or love her and try to get her to understand I got her and everything is ok she screams and runs from me and will not let me touch her.. it breaks my heart so much because I’m usually the one she comes to for comfort.. I know she can’t help it because she is still asleep. But it just makes me break down. I’m going to talk to her doctor about it because it has just recently started happening and she is fixing to be 2 next month. Any other moms have kids that have night terrors. If so how do you deal or is there anything you do that helps. Because my heart is broken.

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I know this is a late response but just wondering if you found a way to help deal with the night terrors. My son has recently started getting them and i don't know what to do! They are pretty intense and last anywhere from 20 to 40 minutes for the worst one.


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I had night terrors as a kid for almost 4 years off and on. Was not fun. Finally my parents figured out the trigger was from a movie I loved to watch. Wasn't even a scary movie 🤷‍♀️


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My daughter has them and I read that when their sleep schedule gets messed up, it can really mess them up and cause night terrors. And not to eat too close to bed time. So, make sure she’s getting her naps and all the sleep she needs.