Sensitive Nipples and weird spots

So just recently my nipple have been feeling super sensitive. It doesn’t hurt when I’m wearing a bra but it does hurt when pressure is put on them or when I poke them. I didn’t think of it much until today when I was looking at them.

Their overall appearance is kind of reddish and puffy, and on the tip of the nipple I kinda noticed some weird, discolored spots residing underneath the skin. I thought it was a zit so my initial reaction was to try and pop it to see if maybe it was a sit. A tiny amount of pus like substance came out, but merely a minuscule amount. There seem to be quite a few under the skin too.

I talked to my mom about it and she said it could just be hormonal since I am coming closer to my period date, and told me not to worry about it.

But just for safety, I wanted to know if any of you guys could give me some advice or possibly know what it is. I really appreciate any help you have to offer.

Left nipple

Right nipple